
How to Write a Check – Step by Step Guide

How to Write a Check - Step by Step Guide

Although digital payments continue to gain market share, it is still important to know how to write a check.

This guide will show you, step by step, how to complete the scan, with easy-to-follow diagrams and illustrations. Many businesses, employers, and landlords still use checks to make payments.

How do you fill out a check?

Here are the steps you need to follow to fill out the check correctly:

  1. Enter the date in the upper right corner.
  2. Add the recipient’s name next to “Pay to”.
  3. Enter the amount to be paid in numbers next to the “€” symbol.
  4. Write in words (in full) the amount of payment on the long line.
  5. Put your signature at the bottom right, where it says “Signature”.
  6. Optional: Add a note where it says “Note”: in the lower left corner.
Blank check example

How to Write a Check: A Detailed Explanation

Let’s look at each of the above steps in more detail. By the end of this guide, and after practicing a few times, you should find the process very easy and natural.

#1 Date

The first step is very simple. All checks have a space to write the date in the upper right corner, and it must be the current date (the date the check was signed). Sometimes people enter at a later date. However, this has no effect, as the check is considered legal tender once it is signed.

Example: “Jan 17, 2022”

#2 Value

Then on the right side of the check, there will be a place to write the monetary value that the payee will receive. Use numbers and write the total amount in euros and cents.

Example: “62.50 euros”

#3 Value (in words)

It is usually easiest to write the value in numbers first, then in words. In this step, look at the value you wrote in numbers and write it in words. In general, you just need to write the value in euros – cents can be written in numbers.

Example: “Sixty-two euros and 50 cents.”
Another possibility: “Sixty-two 50/100 euros.”

#4 The name of the recipient

The next logical step is to type in the name of the person receiving the payment. This can be an individual, a corporation (company), a trust, a school, or any other entity Bank account in which money is deposited. Make sure you spell the name correctly, although in practice many banks allow wiggle room for spelling, titles, and abbreviations.

Example: “Mr. Mohammed Al-Arabi”

#5 Sign up

The last step is to add your signature after making sure everything is correct. Sign as you always would any legal document. Most checks have a line for his signature.

Example :

Example of signature

#6 Evaluation

This is an optional part of the check writing process. If you’d like to add additional information, such as a reason for payment, you can do so here. There is usually a small extra space in the lower left corner.

Example: “sales commission”

completed check

Below is an example of what a completed scan should look like. Please note that this is not a real check.

Example of a filled check

General tips

Here are some important general tips on how to write a check. In addition to the above six steps, the following points should also be considered:

  • Write as accurately as possible.
  • Use print language rather than cursive language, if possible. This is for clarity – it is easier to read print than manuscript.
  • If you make a mistake, write void on the check and start writing a new one.
  • Make sure all spellings are correct.
  • Double check that you have the correct recipient and the correct amount.

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